Saturday, July 19, 2008


Do you feel PS3 owners have become biased towards their system and do you think sony has not lived up to its promises? I believe in good things coming to those who wait, I also believe that the PS3 has already surpassed their competition in a lot of ways, but I think its BIASED thinking to not be upset and to be OK with all the DELAYS and failed promises.
posted by blip74


We've heard the rumor that trophies may become mandatory in 2009 and I had a discussion awhile ago with SAND-MAN and wrote an article on Erlfly's website what should be mandatory on the PS3 system. Trophies would be a nice feature to have, but I think the PS3 should have for ALL their games, "voice chat for all online games, and every game should be able to reach 1080p."
posted by blip74

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What Microsoft Does Not Want You to Know About Netflix Streaming

What Microsoft does not want you to know about netflix streaming is that if you have a Xbox 360 and a Windows Vista PC, you have everything you need to stream Netflix movies. Infact you can stream it in under 20 minutes for free. It is ridiculous on Microsoft’s part to act as if they have stumbled upon some miracle. Why would someone want to pay for a service that has been available for use? It’s a prime example of a corporation (Microsoft)that is basically taking advantage of the public with an attempt to charge for something that should be available to customers for free. Also, the videos aren't in HD quality, it is in Sub-HD quality.
Posted By WorseCase

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The g4tv coverage of FFXIII going to 360 was an interesting read, nothing to steal the show, but it definitely hurt Sony fans and the fans of the FF series. The GAMES ON SMASH CREW were in a long discussion about this move and what it means and could mean for Sony. Were split on this and some are pissed, but we all feel Sony needs to STEP THEY GAME UP TOMORROW! What it means for the game is two fold. One, FFXIII will be exclusive in Japan on the Playstation system and FFvs. is EXCLUSIVE TO THE PS3 so we believe that Microsoft is trying to squash one of Sony's exclusives here in the States by making the game multiplatform. Second the game will either be dumbed down so it can read on a dvd9 or held on so many discs it wont be attractive to 360 owners and will further show developers the power of blu-ray and the Sony system. While were talking about Square Enix, another bitch move they've made is to neglect U.S ps users by not putting any of their ps one greatest hits in the ps store ala XENOGEARS. YOU BEST BELIEVE WE GONNA SMASH EM. Now to steer clear from Square for a brief second, what it may mean to Sony is their big announcement is purchase a studio,"LEVEL 5." You heard it here first. Level 5 has already announced that they will never work with MS again and they are the new SQUARE in the RPG game, so be on the look-out for LEVEL 5! This wasn't a knockout punch, but it was a solid blow to the gut. Round one is over and goes to MS. Sony needs to get their second wind and come out swinging tomorrow.
Microsoft also had a lot of other third party news, but nothing to speak on.
posted by blip74, credited E3 coverage by G4

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Killzone 2 New Details

So far all the people know about killzone 2 and the amazing graphics, the amazing animation and the new innovative first person cover system now, your about to learn more. There is a new badge system which allows users to mix and match abilities into primary and secondary spots to complement their play style. This feature keeps multiplayer fresh without having to adhere to a rigid class system. The primary badge defines the main role of the player character, as well as its outward appearance, while the secondary badge serves as a complementary ability that enhances the main role.

The default multiplayer character is assigned when no primary badge is selected. A secondary badge may still be added. Riflemen can start with most weapons, except for the specialized weapons.

Primary badge ability - Sets up an automated turret which targets the enemy
Secondary badge ability - Repairs ammunition dispensers, mounted guns, and automated turrets

Primary badge ability - Revives downed team mates
Secondary badge ability - Throws a health pack, which can be picked up by other players


Primary badge ability - Uses a cloaking suit to become near-invisible
Secondary badge ability - Tags all on-screen enemy players with a hidden marker, which broadcasts their coordinates to team mates


Primary badge ability - Dons heavy armor twice as strong as normal
Secondary badge ability - Temporarily boosts running speed


Primary badge ability - Throws a coloured smoke grenade, which serves as a spawn point
Secondary badge ability - Requests air support from a sentry bot which targets the enemy


Primary badge ability - Assumes the disguise of a randomly selected enemy player
Secondary badge ability - Throws a sticky, proximity-activated C-4 charge
Posted By WorseCase

Valkyria Chronicles Details - Must Peep

Valkyria Chronicles is a Tactical Action RPG Playstation 3 exclusive coming Fall 2008.

They use a graphics engine called "CANVAS” which gives you Cutting-edge graphics producing breathtaking artwork that work beautifully for the capabilities of the Playstation3. Creates images that look like pastel / watercolor paintings in motion.

They aslo have a battle system called the “BLiTZ” tactical battle system where you experience strategic maneuvering of units as in conventional RPG gameplay but at the same time, add the excitement of action games with real-time controls to command each player.

Epic storyline, the players will immerse themselves in the epic struggle for freedom, as the fate of the world lies in the hands of Welkin and members of the 7th platoon.

This game also offers customization of over 100 customizable characters that allow players to create a variety of platoons to suit each battle’s needs.

Also going towards the CANVAS graphics engine the game has beautifully rendered battlefields where players explore 30 different environments, using each terrain to gain advantage in battle.
Posted By WorseCase

Download TV & Movies via Playstation Store TONIGHT!

Fresh from watching E3 once again, Sony just announced the ability to download and watch television shows and movies by using the PlayStation store. You can buy movies ranging from 9.99 to 14.99 and rent movies from 1.99 to 5.99 (USD).

Sony has partnerships with big name studios like Sony Pictures, Fox Film & Televisions, Lionsgate, MGM, Disney, Paramount, and a few more that I cannot name right now.
Posted by WorseCase

God Of War III Confirmed!

Fresh from watching E3, God Of War has been confirmed for ps3, also debuting with it was a snippet of a real time trailer. This game will be my game of next year releasing March 2, 2009.
Posted By WorseCase


So everything Sony tries to do, Microsoft tries to copy it and make it better. They saw that Singstar did phenomenal, and now they're making "Lips." They saw Buzz, now "Scene it" makes it's way onto the stage. It's not just Sony that M$(Microsoft) is copying off of, it's also Nintendo. They announced that they will have avatars, just like Nintendo's Mii's, but they are trying to make it more interactive like Sony's Home avatars. Now they are probably paying off Square Enix to get THREE 360 exclusive titles, and now Final Fantasy XIII is coming to 360.

Is it me, or is anything that another company does well, M$ takes it, adds about two more features, and act like it's never been done before. To me, Microsoft is the scum of the gaming company, and they would do ANYTHING to make some money. I know that the goal of a company is to make money, but M$ is trying to pull the dirtiest tricks in the books. I mean seriously Microsoft... WTF?!?!

posted by blip74 written by J-Vas1321

Monday, July 14, 2008

Halo Possibly On Ps3?

Me, being the nosey person that I am haha, J/k. I've just looked on the bungie page and it has a countdown till sony's time to E3. Do you think halo will be on ps3? Personally I don't care, I don't like the game, but if it does come that will be CRAZY! Check out the link! You heard it here first at and It's hot!
Posted By WorseCase

Link Up you PSN ID to

inFamous Gameplay Shown Tonight

Tonight Sucker Punch's Brand new game title called, "inFamous" Gameplay will be shown TONIGHT, also you will see Bioshock on PS3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, E3 Resistance 2 trailers, and prince of persia ( two minute ) gameplay video on Spike Tv and possibly GOS T.V, so stay tuned for the footage.
Posted By WorseCase

Sunday, July 13, 2008

MK Vs DC Universe Impressions..

Ive followed the MK franchise sense the first Mortal Kombat game which was back in 1992 and I must say when I first heard this, I thought it was the worst idea ever. I was so pissed off at the fact MK would do something like this. No fatalities, no gore that’s not MK. If there’s no gore, blood or limbs and brains flying everywhere that’s not MK, lets be real. DC, I mean come on couldn’t they get another good opponent?Well I was wrong, they say never judge a book by its cover and that’s exactly what I did. This game looks great, the graphics are nice, the characters have some adjustments to be made, but I must say I'm really looking forward to when this game hits the selves come this fall. From Ed Boom himself, he said “were looking at a 20 man roster 10 from DC’s side and 10 From Mk side.” I was excited, I was thinking of so many people. I mean lets be real guys who doesn’t want to see scorpion decapitate batman! That’s all I have for now and I'll be back come E3 when they announce 4 more characters.
Posted By WorseCase - Credited to PSN ID - SernaMan