Friday, July 4, 2008

8 stupid things people say about PS3..

This has to be one of my favorite youtube videos for ps3. My favorite part was number 3. Check it out, and enjoy.

The top 8 stupid things people say about PS3!

This video speaks the straight up truth. My favorite one is number 3. Enjoy people. ( Video not made by me )
- WorseCase

SACKBOY's a Trophy Whore :)

LittleBigPlanet to feature Trophy support

Media Molecule Co-Founder and Technical Director, David Smith, has confirmed the inclusion of Trophy support in the developer’s highly anticipated PlayStation 3 title, LittleBigPlanet.

Speaking with Eurogamer during a live chat, Smith commented, "We've been having a lot of fun working out what trophies most fit our game. Because we have this catchphrase of 'Play, Create, Share', the trophies (and indeed some of the other scoring systems) reflect this.”

He also touched on the requirements for unlocking one of the game’s trophies, stating that players would have to make their "sackperson be thrown at some huge velocity," suggesting that a user created machine would be needed to accomplish the task.

LittleBigPlanet is due out exclusively on PS3 later this year.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


The title says Halo, not Halo 3 which means we’re talking about the movie adaptation of the videogame. According to PS3Fanboy, there’s a rumor going that the Fox movie company has picked up the license rights for the upcoming Halo movie which is being produced by Peter Jackson.

Update: It’s come to our attention that Fox doesn’t have anything to do with the movie. The videogame merchandise will be handled by Fox apparently.

Now the funny part is that Fox is exclusively releasing their high definition videos on Blu-ray discs, which means that Playstation 3 owners can watch this movie on their consoles, whilst Xbox 360 gamers have to settle with the DVD version instead. Microsoft also explicitly stated that they won’t release a Blu-ray add-on drive. Microsoft does have the Video Marketplace which is also offering high definition content, but that’s plagued with 2-week DRM annoyances. Keep in mind that this is still a rumor, but it would definitely be quite funny that Microsoft’s most popular videogame franchise’s movie-adaptation is limited to Blu-ray.

blip74 says; wtf cares...its a movie about HALO. It would be funny for Microsoft and XBOX fanboys, but do you really see yourself watching a 2 hr movie about master chief?
I posted several things here on firmware 2.4 even though we are all aware of it by now because we ps3 fans have been screaming for IN-GAME FEATURES for some time. Not to make any excuses for Sony cuz the shit should have been there at launch, but we can now see the importance of delays when it comes to firmware and games. I would rather wait for a GREAT GAME (MGS4) instead of them releasing Turok like they did. I know some of you will say, "HAZE" but that's an exception to the rule and best believe the Crew is going to smash that game as well as developers putting out this ported frame rate shit. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Back to what I was saying about waiting. Delays in games are inevitable and delays in firmware updates are CRUCIAL, cuz I want my shit to work.
posted by blip74

Sony responds to adverse firmware 2.40 effects

As we've already reported, SCEA has removed firmware 2.40, released early this morning, from its update servers. Users attempting to use the System Update feature from the PS3 XMB from firmware prior to 2.40 are now being told that their software is up to date.

This action follows a large number of reports on the official PlayStation message boards of the update adversely affecting users' systems. The most widely noted problem is systems simply failing to reach the XMB upon booting, instead getting stuck on a screen with only the familiar "wave" background displayed.

Some posters have reported that removing the PS3 hard disk, formatting it via a PC, then re-inserting it allows the PS3 to boot properly ... with the obvious drawback of losing everything – profiles, saves, DLC, etc. – that was on the drive.

Joystiq contacted SCEA for comment on the situation as was told by PR director Patrick Seybold that they are aware of the message thread and that they are "looking into it right now and will work with those customers directly to address any issues they may be experiencing." This comment came before the update was removed from Sony's servers. We're seeking further comment and will update as we receive it.

Update: SCEA has issued a formal statement via the official PlayStation blog confirming that firmware 2.40 has "temporarily" been taken offline until it can "isolate the problem" and "identify a solution."

blip74 says; that's all well in good, but why are these errors taking place in the first place when they've had so many stabilizing firmware updates? The reasons are just excuses, good or bad for a failed attempt at trying to implement a feature that should have been in the system at launch.

PS3 Firmware 2.4 Taken Off The Servers

The highly anticipated 2.4 Firmware update for the PS3 has been taken off of the Sony servers because of the problems occuring with the update. Thank God I got mine before they took it off of the servers and sorry to the people waiting.

Some of the Problems I Am Experiencing:

Freezing Systems
Laggy Games
Buzzing In Call of Duty 4 Chat

blip74 says; My MAIN issue with the firmware update is that it has screwed with my connection while in CHAT, can't stay on server. There is no IN-GAME CHAT and the IN-GAME music is Half-Ass. Give me delays cause what you gave me was 2.shit.