Saturday, August 2, 2008

Parasiete Eve 3 Coming to PSP!

Parasite Eve 3, aka The 3rd Birthday, which was originally announced as a mobile exclusive has just been announced for the Sony PSP handheld.
posted By Worsecase Credited to

Left 4 Dead coming to PS3, ported by EA

The OPM, Official Playstation Magazine, has today revealed in its latest issue that Left 4 Dead will indeed be coming to Playstation3. It will be ported, once again, by EA. Quote:

"Valve's survival horror game Left 4 Dead is coming to PS3, but EA will be taking on development duties in-house."

The Orange Box PS3 has been one catastrophic port. For these past 8 months, PS3 gamers have repeatedly expressed their disgust and anger towards both EA and VALVE, asking for a fix. Even a petition started by Mike Seedon was published on this website:

Will PS3 gamers do the same mistake twice? I do not think so.

Posted By Worsecase View Image Larger Here -> Also Credited to that link

Playable Final Fantasy XIII Demo with Purchase of Advent Children VII: Complete Blu-ray

DKΣ3713 announcements have begun to make their way around the interwebs, and according to a translation of FF7AC Reunion provided by, it appears that the Advent Children: Complete Blu-ray, currently scheduled for release in March of 2009, will contain a playable FF XIII demo and the Final Fantasy Agito XIII trailer.

While I personally own both next gen consoles, it appears that the demo will only work on the Blu-ray capable Sony PS3. This news may sting the Xbox 360 owners who only recently found out that they too would be able to play Final Fantasy XIII on their console.

Of course there’s still a chance that Microsoft will throw a few bucks in the direction of Square Enix and get themselves a demo as well, but as of right now, it appears that Sony PS3 owners once again have the upper hand in the battle of FF supremacy.

Posted By WorseCase - Source: FF7AC Reunion (via:

The Madden Curse Lives On

When the box art was announced a few months ago for Madden 09, most fans of the series felt that the Madden Curse would finally be lifted. Brett Favre was on the cover, and he was retired. Any harm he could do would be limited to him having an injury on his ranch in Mississippi. Well, it seems that, like The Dude, the Curse abides.

If anyone has not been following the sports pages, the Favre saga has gone all kinds of bat#&%* crazy insane, with Favre wanting to come back after his teary-eyed farewell, the Packers offering to pay him to not come to training camp and even tampering charges with Minnesota.

In the midst of this is four year veteran, Aaron Rodgers, who is the heir to the quarterback position in Green Bay. How crappy must he feel, now that everyone is asking him what he is going to do when Favre comes back. It is probably one of the worst positions to be in, considering the fanaticism that Packer fans have for Brett Favre.

So congratulations to Madden for pulling off the greatest Curse story yet. Not even Sports Illustrated has pulled off a Curse on an athlete this great. Electronic Arts, you are going to have to really work hard to top yourselves next year.

Posted by WorseCase credited to

Square Enix Final Fantasy 13 & Verses news

Square Enix has just announced that Final Fantasy XIII will be released for the PlayStation in Japan during 2009

Square Enix has announced that there will be a Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete PS3 bundle that will release in March, 2009.

Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be released worldwide for the PlayStation 3.

It has been confirmed by Famitsu that a Final Fantasy XIII demo will be included inside Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.

Square Enix has announced that its upcoming fighting game, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, is set to release in December 2009. Along with the announcement, Square Enix revealed that they and Sony are going to create a special Dissidia: Final Fantasy PSP bundle similar to that of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core.

Posted by WorseCase Website Credited to &

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


A question arose from one of the members of the group awhile ago and I thought it should be mentioned here. He said,"it seems that you guys are always smashing Sony. How come you never smash the 360 or Nintendo." I replied, "being that I don't have a 360 or a Wii my smashes and strong opinions are one of first hand experience." I could talk for days on end about Microsoft's flaws, but since I don't own a system I don't feel the need to bash it. I personally don't think Nintendo has any flaws. Let me explain. Their system is durable and it serves its purpose(to play games). Many hardcore gamers may say, "they don't have any good hardcore games." That's a choice Nintendo made with their console to focus on the casual gamer, not a flaw. Their third party support is a little lacking, but all companies lack a little support in a few areas. Microsoft has very few first party support, Sony is coming along with their 3rd party support and their first party support is strong, but they can't hold onto an exclusive. Even though Devil May Cry, FF, and GTA are third party titles, they should have been bought out as timed exclusives at least. The purpose of the our smashes is to tell, critique, and vent what is wrong with a personal issue at hand. Since all of us have a PS3 and this is a PS3 website, we are going to voice our opinions about Sony and developers and maybe our readers will be in agreement or disagreement and voice their comments. Since you have both systems and you can speak from your experience by all means voice your opinions here. I would like to smash the Sony community. Simply put, YALL PS3 OWNERS OUT THERE WITHOUT A MIC NEED TO STEP YOUR GAME UP. See the people in home talking with one another. Where is that taking place on the Playstation network?
posted by blip74