Wednesday, July 30, 2008


A question arose from one of the members of the group awhile ago and I thought it should be mentioned here. He said,"it seems that you guys are always smashing Sony. How come you never smash the 360 or Nintendo." I replied, "being that I don't have a 360 or a Wii my smashes and strong opinions are one of first hand experience." I could talk for days on end about Microsoft's flaws, but since I don't own a system I don't feel the need to bash it. I personally don't think Nintendo has any flaws. Let me explain. Their system is durable and it serves its purpose(to play games). Many hardcore gamers may say, "they don't have any good hardcore games." That's a choice Nintendo made with their console to focus on the casual gamer, not a flaw. Their third party support is a little lacking, but all companies lack a little support in a few areas. Microsoft has very few first party support, Sony is coming along with their 3rd party support and their first party support is strong, but they can't hold onto an exclusive. Even though Devil May Cry, FF, and GTA are third party titles, they should have been bought out as timed exclusives at least. The purpose of the our smashes is to tell, critique, and vent what is wrong with a personal issue at hand. Since all of us have a PS3 and this is a PS3 website, we are going to voice our opinions about Sony and developers and maybe our readers will be in agreement or disagreement and voice their comments. Since you have both systems and you can speak from your experience by all means voice your opinions here. I would like to smash the Sony community. Simply put, YALL PS3 OWNERS OUT THERE WITHOUT A MIC NEED TO STEP YOUR GAME UP. See the people in home talking with one another. Where is that taking place on the Playstation network?
posted by blip74

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