Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sony: ‘Final Fantasy XIII’ Going To XBox 360 Creates ‘Jump Ball’

It is true that FFXIII may have a negligable effect on hardware sales much like GTAIV… But as MGS4 shows, if FFXIII was exclusive it would’ve moved hardware! And in any case Sony still has FFXIII where it really matters… Exclusive in Japan, which is sure to sell a smorgasboard of consoles much like Monster Hunter or FFVII: Crisis core did for PSP.

And the more you think about it, if any Square FF fan considers which console to get FFXIII for, the fact that FF Versus XIII is still currently exclusive to the PS3, and that movies like FFVII: Advent Children Complete are only available on blu-ray, there’s a lot more incentive to get a PS3. Add to that the possibility that the PS3 version may end up being better than the 360 port as Square have confirmed that they will have to compress the HD cutscenes and sound for the 360 version, for those who care enough about the audio/visual experience and pixel couting on their HDTVs, the PS3 is the better choice. And for those hardcore who wish to import the Japanese version of the game at launch will only have the PS3 version to consider.

Besides, seeing as how the game will probably only make it out of Japan around 2010, the market in the US and Eu could be a much different story. PS3s will have sold more, and blu-ray will be more popular, and the price of the PS3 will have come down even further, and with a slew of other exclusive games under its belt, the PS3 will be an incredibly strong contender by that time. And if Sony’s smart, then like they did for GTAIV, they can nab the rights to an exclusive bundle that gives you a PS3, a copy of FFXIII and perhaps even Advent Children complete on blu-ray in one value priced package! That would definately help draw more attention to them, there are many ways to turn the situation in their favor.
Posted by Lex_Yayo_407

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good points. I still expect the PS3 version of FFXIII to sell more than the 360 one. The system's only gaining in popularity... in fact I just bought one last week.

I'm sure you already have a PS3, but if you want your readers to know about how they can win a PS3 through a t-shirt design contest for 6 Hour Power just send me an e-mail. I'd like to give you the details on it if you're interested.

Franklin Keane