Saturday, July 26, 2008


This is my opinion and I'm going to use this platform to have my voice heard. With all due respect to the other consoles on the market and not taking sales figures into account, "WHAT MAKES SONY THE LEADER, WHAT MAKES THEM THE BEST?" Is it their content, their durability, is it the fact that they have a well established base in the gaming industry, or are we label whores following a brand, where anything with the name Sony on it is a seller. I believe it is the latter. I have enjoyed playing on a Playstation since the first console entered on the scene and just blew away the competition, and in my opinion they haven't looked back since then. Nintendo who is now enjoying a large portion of the market with the Wii and who once held the position as being the dominant console with the ORIGINAL NES just doesn't speak to me, as a GAMER who needs something more mature. The XBOX 360 is a strange machine to try and pinpoint. It is both freeing and VERY CONFINING at the same time. I like what they have done with their online service, but at the same time they try and hold you HOSTAGE with too many of their services. Why do I have to pay to play my games online, why with the additional chat features of the system, I can't hold a chat room with more than one person, why can't I purchase third party products for my machine ala (wi-fi, hardrive, mics, etc.). I could list other things but no need. My main question is, "WHY AND THE HELL DOES THE SYSTEM BREAK DOWN SO MUCH?" Microsoft probably doesn't even have an answer for those questions and if so they probably don't wanna tell their consumers. In fairness it comes down to the games. I PERSONALLY feel that my Playstation 3 has a better variety of games for my particular taste. I've already mentioned the Wii and how I don't feel they offer anything mature. Nintendo themselves have said they are in a market all by themselves. They don't see themselves as being apart of this console war. That shifts the attention onto Sony and Microsoft. Once again I PERSONALLY don't think that the XBOX console offers me the wide range of versatility I look for in a console. The majority of the games they offer can be found on my PS3 and the EXCLUSIVE games they boast for the console don't appeal to me enough to overlook the flaws in their system. That is not to say the PS3 is without its flaws. They are in a lot of ways trying to achieve and implement what Microsoft has in its online service. It has taken them some time from them and a lot of patience from us the consumers and together we have achieved a small step in our goal, 2.41. I believe with the release of the home beta there will be a large shift in what the online experience should be. When the online battle becomes a wash, being that many of the third parties are going multiplatform the war may come down to who has the best exclusives.
posted by blip74


Anonymous said...

Damn, blip. That was nice. That's mainly what I feel about my PS3, because it does what I want it to do, and the games appeal to me a lot more than the 360's. But I'm not saying the 360 didn't have good games, I just know that if I'm gunna put my money into something, it's going to be something I know will have a great future.

Home is the future of online gaming. haha

PSN-ID: J-Vas1321

Unknown said...

see blip thats the kind of intelligent comments people can respect! Its not full of fanboy bull shit and other nonsense. Its your honest opinion based on what you have experienced, unlike some of the other posters who post biased unrealistic comments on something that they know nothing about. Once again nice post.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow 14,000 hit and no one comments on this lame shit its not to late to join a real crew lol