Monday, July 14, 2008

Halo Possibly On Ps3?

Me, being the nosey person that I am haha, J/k. I've just looked on the bungie page and it has a countdown till sony's time to E3. Do you think halo will be on ps3? Personally I don't care, I don't like the game, but if it does come that will be CRAZY! Check out the link! You heard it here first at and It's hot!
Posted By WorseCase


Anonymous said...

If this happens its over no more xbox 360 they are finished

Anonymous said...

While Bungie may be third party now, Microsoft still owns the rights to Halo. There's no chance of it ever coming to Playstation.

Anonymous said...

I think the majority of ps fans don't want HALO, but I hope you saying, "there's no chance of it ever coming to playstation" is a stronger statement than Bio-Shock.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty irrelevant statement. Microsoft has no hold on Bioshock. See, Microsoft owns the IP for Halo. It was created and copyrighted by them. Bungie just developed. Take Mass Effect for example. It's an IP created and owned by Bioware, but licensed out. Kinda like rented. I'm surprised they haven't announced it for PS3 yet. But like Bioshock, you can expect it to be coming in the future.