Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Check your email: Home beta invites sent

You may have downloaded the PlayStation Home theme from the PSN Store thinking, "How can this possibly work? How will I know I've ... won?" The answer to that question arrived today for the Selected Ones, the latest batch of Home beta recruits who were informed via email that they'd won out over the presumably thousands of others who'd downloaded the theme. That's right: Sony knows where you live your email address.

Sony isn't saying how many invites are going out, but has confirmed that it's happening in waves over the next 24 hours, so keep checking your email if you haven't received one yet – you might still get lucky. We're told by Sony that another "beta wave" will hit in the next few weeks, so look for more news on that as we get it. Did you land an invite? Lets us know in comments, and have fun Home-ing.

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