Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The g4tv coverage of FFXIII going to 360 was an interesting read, nothing to steal the show, but it definitely hurt Sony fans and the fans of the FF series. The GAMES ON SMASH CREW were in a long discussion about this move and what it means and could mean for Sony. Were split on this and some are pissed, but we all feel Sony needs to STEP THEY GAME UP TOMORROW! What it means for the game is two fold. One, FFXIII will be exclusive in Japan on the Playstation system and FFvs. is EXCLUSIVE TO THE PS3 so we believe that Microsoft is trying to squash one of Sony's exclusives here in the States by making the game multiplatform. Second the game will either be dumbed down so it can read on a dvd9 or held on so many discs it wont be attractive to 360 owners and will further show developers the power of blu-ray and the Sony system. While were talking about Square Enix, another bitch move they've made is to neglect U.S ps users by not putting any of their ps one greatest hits in the ps store ala XENOGEARS. YOU BEST BELIEVE WE GONNA SMASH EM. Now to steer clear from Square for a brief second, what it may mean to Sony is their big announcement is purchase a studio,"LEVEL 5." You heard it here first. Level 5 has already announced that they will never work with MS again and they are the new SQUARE in the RPG game, so be on the look-out for LEVEL 5! This wasn't a knockout punch, but it was a solid blow to the gut. Round one is over and goes to MS. Sony needs to get their second wind and come out swinging tomorrow.
Microsoft also had a lot of other third party news, but nothing to speak on.
posted by blip74, credited E3 coverage by G4


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I think that Sony still needs to buy out Square in general. Hahaha I think that Sony should LOCK DOWN on all the FF games, to get ALL of them exclusive.

But Level 5 did produce some good games(Looks at Dark Cloud.) But I don't know if it has the power to make a FF popularity game. idk man.

PSN-ID... J-Vas1321

Anonymous said...

well I don't know too much on the RPG front, that's BLADE206 and he says, "LEVEL 5 is the new SQUARE!" Be on the look out for a game called,"WHITE KNIGHT CHRONICLES." Besides Sony still owns a piece of SQUARE so believe me their gettin paid.

Anonymous said...

Sony owns part of Square? When was that? hahaha

I heard about White Night Chronicles... Looks great so far. Read the Wiki article.


after the ff movies floped sony owns about 10% of square look it up

Anonymous said...

20% of Square is the more like it.