Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So everything Sony tries to do, Microsoft tries to copy it and make it better. They saw that Singstar did phenomenal, and now they're making "Lips." They saw Buzz, now "Scene it" makes it's way onto the stage. It's not just Sony that M$(Microsoft) is copying off of, it's also Nintendo. They announced that they will have avatars, just like Nintendo's Mii's, but they are trying to make it more interactive like Sony's Home avatars. Now they are probably paying off Square Enix to get THREE 360 exclusive titles, and now Final Fantasy XIII is coming to 360.

Is it me, or is anything that another company does well, M$ takes it, adds about two more features, and act like it's never been done before. To me, Microsoft is the scum of the gaming company, and they would do ANYTHING to make some money. I know that the goal of a company is to make money, but M$ is trying to pull the dirtiest tricks in the books. I mean seriously Microsoft... WTF?!?!

posted by blip74 written by J-Vas1321


Anonymous said...

Haha, thanks for putting it on the site. I mean, M$ is just like the whore of the gaming community. I don't know how anyone can go with them over Sony. It just seems ridiculous.

PSN-ID... J-Vas1321

Unknown said...

stop hating and talking bs don't act like sony hasnt done the same thing, with the in game xmb, movie service, and there motion controllers, even now with the link your psn id and being able to see your friends list online has been done already. So if you are going to make a bold biased statement like that get ya facts straight. there is nothing that one console has done that the other isnt trying to 1 up or imitate. quit hating on square for doing what they are supposed to do make money, its not like ff has never been on another console other than sony, in all reality it was on nintendo first. Lets get one thing straight for all you fanboys this is a buisness and what ever way a company can make more money thats what they are going to do. stop thinking that sony is a big innovator and that they don't copy too.

Unknown said...

blip you shouldnt have posted this bullshit. thats kinda off for your standerds.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with you there bully. Maybe not my total choice of words, but then it would have been written by me and not J-Vas. I can understand what MS and Square are doing from a business standpoint, but everything else that MS is doing is laughable. At the current time they are playing follow the leader to a last generation console. All companies borrow ideas, but MS seems to be the only company out there without an idea of there own. There so focused on "stealing" taking the competitions ideas and trying to put it to use for their system they always find themselves behind. THEY NEED TO DEVELOP NEW IDEAS AND IP'S and STOP PIGGYBACKING OFF OF OTHERS SUCCESS.

Unknown said...

i have to disagree with you again on that blip, because if it wasnt for Microsoft you wouldnt have the online gaming that you do now, and sony wouldn't be trying to compete in that market, so in game xmb is that really original, custom soundtracks is that something sony had? or how bout in game messaging? all those features microsoft pioneered. Now your motion controller known as the six axis is that not a ripoff of the wiimote? or how about the one thats in development? Then you have the whole video distribution something that microsoft had first that sony is tyring to capitalize on, downloadable independent games something that Microsoft started last gen with xbla. the list goes on every console has copied of the other and your statement about how they are trying to copy off the wii well sony is to because the wii is wooping both sony and microsofts ass right now, and they arent even trying. Like i have always said its not about who has it first but who does it the best period. Because there are copy cats in all facets of entertainment and tech. The only thing innovative about the ps3 is a blueray drive, and its core proc. The controller is the same except for its copy of the wiimote. If you want to be technical about it home is not even out yet, no one knows when its going to be out but we do know when ms new service is going to be out. So other than home what has sony really brought to the table other than first party titles nothing really. Psp is whats innovative on sony's part.

Unknown said...

How are they behind when its sony that is still playing catchup? Heres a famous quote " people lie numbers dont" Ps is still behind and would have to sell 1 million units a month to catch up to ms 6 million console lead. fuck the what ifs and all that bs its just plain simple numbers sony is behind and they are the ones catching up. For there presentation at e3 this year looks the same as last year resistance, little big planet, and killzone with a lack luster teaser for gow3. They dropped the ball and should have came bigger. Just read the countless blogs every one is disapointed with nintendo and sony at this years e3.

Unknown said...

now for every one saying ms copied off the miis. hmm character avatars have been around way longer than miis its actually something that has been a part of internet on pc for a long time now. Now you look at the miis you have a lack of customization with the clothes and characters other than you can miscue and place parts that arent supposed to go there to make your mii look like famous icons. Some games let you implement your mii in the game but its not alot of them. other than that your mii just sits there and does nothing(I have a wii i know first hand) Microsoft has implemented it so that there are a robust of customizations you can do with your avatar even user created, as well as latest fashions. Now when you join a party your avatar is displayed as well as your friends and you can take it into the countless new casual games that they will be releasing. You say well thats just a copy of home well hmm home is just a copy of second life, or other countless sim games on the pc so whats your point? The list goes on with the things you can do with your avatar, and this trounces any thing nintendo was doing with there miis. because other than wii sports the miis have no purpose.

Anonymous said...

All MS proved at E3 was that they have alot of money and they will use it to gain exclusives no matter how much the cost but w/e if they can afford it go for it but as far as MS being a good game developer the failed big time stop buying your games and start putting work into making them

Anonymous said...

bully I don't have the time blow you out the water or SMASH my friends, trying to create a web site :)